„Hello. Well done on taking the first step in finding balance in your life!“

Lucie Reveco

As a professional coach, hypnotherapist, and NLP trainer, I will teach you how to help yourself. Through our collaboration, you will understand and reprogram your own patterns and triggers, enabling you to use your mind to your advantage and set yourself up for success.

Most of my clients come because they don't feel understood and internally free to be themselves. Realise that the state of mind you are in is your primary tool.

Your skills and abilities begin in your mind and are achievable when you learn to understand how you function and can change how you feel. The more options you have, the better and more efficiently you can act.

During coaching, I fully respect your worldview (your understanding of reality) and help uncover your own capacities so you can begin to use them freely. This is a highly effective NLP coaching built on 4 pillars:

- Knowledge – You can't change what you don't know.
- Effective Communication – Communicate to be understood.
- Strategy – Successful strategy lies behind every achieved goal.
- Action.

Because change is the only constant in life. Why settle for one thing when you can have everything you desire? It's not greed; it's ambition!

With my help, you can achieve:
- Inner harmony and peace
- Overcoming fears and finding space for self-realization
- A peaceful home and family
- Effectively communicating your own needs

Become the best version of yourself and live life on your terms. After all, no one else will do it for you.

Personal info

I show the way to people who are tired of making excuses and want to live authentically. Imagine a world where every morning you wake up with incredible certainty that this day will bring exactly what you expect from it. Where your problems are not obstacles but challenges that propel you forward.

Despite all the obstacles life has brought me, I have created a system that functions as a bridge between dreams and reality. My approach is a solid structure built on education, experience, and deep understanding of the human psyche. Do you know what it's like to have a mindset full of fear, childhood trauma, or a lack of love? It's the burden many of us carry on our shoulders without even knowing it.

I will show you how to shed this burden, stop merely surviving, and truly start living. My journey from studying and working in the UK back to the Czech Republic is a path filled with returns, discoveries, and above all, sharing. But I am not just a traveler and knowledge disseminator. I am also a mother and wife who has overcome her own inner wounds and become a guide for those on a similar journey.

Imagine having access to tools that not only help you come to terms with your childhood but also positively impact the lives of your children. That's the power you bring into your life through your healed trauma, life experiences, and your own wisdom.

I am also a co-founder of the NLPC Academy, continually refining ways to apply ethical NLP in everyday life. As an ambassador for ANLP in the Czech Republic, my goal is to maintain NLP work at a professional level. It's like standing at a crossroads and needing someone to show you the right path – I am the support you seek.

What can you expect from me?

Effective coaching with a humanistic approach based on fairness, respect and kindness. But also the challenge and consistency that is necessary to achieve your set goals. If you want to read more, take a look at the article My approach to coaching or request a free Strategy Call now.
I’m really looking forward to our Strategy Call meeting to get to know you and introduce myself to you in person. Also, I’m excited to answer any further questions that you may have. Genuine curiosity is a beautiful skill to have because it gives you a great insight and a huge possibility of personal growth.

Free Strategy Call

I’m not going to tell you that it’s possible to influence 98% of your life, because YOU have been thinking about it for a while now. Are you ready to take personal responsibility for yourself and find the balance to live a high quality life?

Reserve a date in the calendar and book your free Strategy Call to find out more. Thank you for choosing me to be your Success Buddy.

I will then confirm the date by e-mail or telephone.

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